Watch “A day in the life of Rye Goods”
Our intention is to honor the integrity between food, the people who make it and the people who eat it.
Rye Goods is an organic sourdough bakery and deli living in each season. Using ingredients as indicators of time to let us know where we are at in the year. We work with small farm west coast heritage grains to make our sourdough breads and pastry, highlighting the importance of local fruits and vegetables.
The name Rye Goods comes from our 18 year old all rye sourdough culture, the backbone of our doughs. Nicknamed — Wynona Ryeder, we just wouldn’t have a bakery without her.
Humble Garage Beginnings
Rye Goods, owned by pastry chef Sara Lezama , was founded in a garage in 2016. Eventually growing to be too big to stay under the radar, we took steps landing first in a commercial kitchen roughing it tirelessly through a pandemic and ultimately building our first home at the current Lido Newport location.
Our locations have it all: the atmosphere, the relationships, and the absolute best team. It feels as though we’ve found our rhythm here and real clarity in the pace of hard work. Every day we show up to start from scratch — mise en place ready, the push, the pull and the rolling of dough having full confidence in each other. We cheer up the everyday menu and connect farmers to chefs and chefs to the community.
Share in the abundance that we’ve created here and join us as we build. We’re now in a three locations across Orange County — Lido Newport, Tustin, and Laguna Beach. Come visit us and say hi!
Organic Sourdough Bakery & Deli
Serving Coffee and Natural Wines
Living in Each Season
Freshly Milled Heritage Grains & Wild Yeast
In the News
We don’t like to toot our own horn but some others do. Check out our recent press features. For all press inquiries please visit this page too.
FRequently Asked Questions
If you have questions on our process, please reference our FAQs. They cover everything from allergies to the best ways to store our bread.
Come visit
Whether you're seeking a slice of fresh bread or simply looking for a sweet treat to brighten your day. Come visit us at one of our three locations in Orange county.